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Get your Last Will and Testament

If you die without a Will then your Estate may be governed by a set of legal rules known as the Intestacy Rules and these rules are unlikely to be the way that you would want your estate to be distributed.

About Last Wills and Testaments

Making a Will protects your family from this anxiety and expense, whilst ensuring that your estate is distributed to the people that you want it to and therefore removes the risk of depriving your spouse or partner of their home.

If you are married or in a civil partnership, do not assume that your spouse or partner will automatically get everything when you die. Under the Intestacy Rules your children could have a legal right to inherit a large portion of your estate. Where a Will was made before marriage, the act of marriage or civil partnership could have revoked the Will unless stated specifically that it was still to stand.

An unmarried person does not have the same rights as a married person and is quite likely to receive nothing if their partner dies intestate, regardless of how long they have lived together or whether they have children.


Of course you have questions

Any question you have, we are here to answer. Here's some of the most common

If you plan to use these documents straight away, the yes, the cost is £82 per registration. Alternately, we can store theses for you free of charge. As long as they are signed and dated, they are active.

Unfortunately , if you or your partner is declared incapacitated with no lasting power of attorney in place, the bank have a duty of care to freeze membership of the bank immediately.

Lasting Power of Attorneys are designed to be completed before a diagnosis of incapacity. 


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